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Joining Haaken

Haaken (hah-ken) was founded in 2012, branching from another pack. Once originally established, Haaken was entirely rewritten and separated from it's previous name and Alpha. While we have always been a smaller and more conservative pack, we have nonetheless been a close one. We are not an exclusively werewolf pack, as many other species have been a part of this family, including humans, though the werewolf presence remains the strongest.


If you are interested in joining the Haaken Pack, please read the below rules and guidelines before continuing.

Current Status

Closed to new members

unless previously offered

Pack Rules and Guidelines


Like any civilized pack, we have rules and guidelines that are to be followed.


These are put into place to help keep peace among the members, as well as outside of the pack. Rules are absolute and non-negotiable. Guidelines are recommended behavior.


All rules and guidelines must be read, understood, and accepted by anyone wishing to join. Questions are encouraged for clarification if something is unclear.


1. There will be no bullying. Not for race, color, sexuality, religion, politics, gender, species, or anything else. Teasing is fine, but you will not bully a fellow packmate, or wolves from other packs.


2. No sexual harassment. Period.


3. If you have a problem with one of your packmates or with a wolf of another pack, tell a ranking member of the pack and give the full situation.


4. If you are going to disrespect other religions, ethnic groups, sexualities, etc, you are not welcome here.


5. You will respect lone wolves, humans, vampires, etc. None of that “war” nonsense.


6. Let a ranking member of the pack know if someone is harassing you. If a ranking member of the pack is harassing you, go to a higher ranking member of the pack.


7. If you start hitting on a person and they turn you down... Please be respectful of that. Continuing to pursue them is fine to a degree, but do not annoy or harass them.


8. You are not to get absurd with these stories about looking for mates. You may say "boy/girlfriend", but not mates. You will learn what a real mate is in time. Mates of pack members are, by extension, honorary members of Haaken. They do not have responsibilities or authority within the pack, nor do they participate in votes or other pack related decision making, but they may be present and participate in pack events, as well as receive information and knowledge not known to the general public.


9. If you are dating someone from another pack, please let all ranking members of the pack know.


10. Please make all ranking members of the pack aware of any dating within the pack. This is not against the rules, it will not be banned. Who you decide to date is your business. HOWEVER, any backlash it may cause the rest of the pack will absolutely not be tolerated. If a break up occurs, drama from the relationship becoming the packs problem will not be tolerated. Even drama that isn't caused by a break up will not be tolerated. If it is deemed necessary, individual members will be banned from dating within the pack if it becomes a recurring problem. Be mature.


11. You are not allowed to recruit pack members, only ranking members are. Potentially new members are voted in at the end of the joining process by the pack majority. If someone you know wishes to join, have them message a ranking member.


12. You will not be in this pack and another pack. Simple as that, you are only allowed to be in one pack.


13. Everyone in the pack (that does not know the Alpha in person) will be required to Skype, Yahoo! video, or some other form of video chat, at least once BEFORE joining. This is so it can be verified that you are who you say you are.


14. Facebook. You can add other members on your account if you wish. Some quick rules on that to be safe.


A.) You will not mention the pack on Facebook and tag someone without prior permission. You will not write anything about it on their wall. You must have their consent first to do so. Some members do not particularly care enough to separate Haaken from their public lives, and some care very much. Always ask first.


B.) Do not share secrets a pack member may have talked to you about on Facebook (this applies anywhere).


C.) If a member of the pack has a sexuality or religious belief their family and friends do not know about, do not talk to them about it publicly on Facebook.


15. If you are removed from the pack it is because of:


A.) You have not been active in the pack for an excessive period of time.


B.) You have broken one of the previous rules, and even after warning, did so again. You have three chances, depending on severity.


C.)  If you are discovered to be in another pack. You will be asked to decide who your loyalty belongs to.


D.) You cause drama that is not needed and uncalled for.


E.) If the Alpha of another pack comes to us and complains that you have been disrespectful to their pack, depending on how bad it is, you may be removed from the pack.


F.) You talk badly about your pack mates.


16. If you are going to be gone for an extended period of time, please make us aware of this.


17. If you wish to leave the pack, please let us know first. Your decision will be respected, but we need to know. “Ghosting” is incredibly disrespectful and cowardly.


18. If the Alpha is currently not available, you are to report any disturbances in the pack to our Beta(s).


19. Act mature. There is nothing wrong with goofing off, but no one here is your babysitter. We are completely and entirely aware that this is a partially online pack. Until that changes, you need to be aware of that too. Do not make it a point that you need to be reminded of.


20. When you enter this pack, you are to make an effort to get to know the whole pack, not just select members. “Cliques” are not allowed.


21. The following types of people will not be allowed to join Haaken under any circumstances. If you fall into one of these categories, do not waste our time. They are as follows:


A.) Role players and fakers. If you are believed to be a fake, you will not be let into the pack, period. We have been doing this for far too long, we will find out. You guys aren't that difficult to spot. Telling the truth is not very difficult.


B.) Attention seekers. You can ask any pack member, we will not put up with it and we will call you out on it. We have made comments to packmates when they get over dramatic, don't think it will go unnoticed.


C.) The "I'm so special, look at all these things I claim to do and have done!" people.


D.) Those who say one thing and do another. Same for back stabbers.


22. We do have other beings besides wolves that have been grandfathered into the pack. Many will argue that packs are "wolf exclusive", but keep in mind that this is more of a family than anything else.


23. RESPECT to people who know more than you, respect to your elders when they are respectful, that is a major thing we look for. There will be none of this, "I'm older than you so I don't have to listen to you," nonsense.


24. Honesty. Honesty is huge. We do not respect people who tell lies like it's their job. If we catch you lying to us, you will not join. If we catch you lying to us after you have joined, there will be consequences. Just tell the truth, it's rather simple. You'd be surprised by how lenient we can be about something when honesty is given, as we genuinely do not care about many things.


25. Be reasonably polite. We understand goofing off with friends, but being rude to someone for no reason will NOT be tolerated.


26. Guilty by association. Each member of this pack represents us. Each member’s actions fall back on us. Your actions will be monitored if you show several examples of bad behavior. Similar to any other organization out there, you can be rejected by the influence you uphold.


27. We do have an age minimum of who can join.


28. If you are involved in illegal activity... this subject should not need to be elaborated on.


29. No, you are not going to convince any of us that you are God's chosen one to save the world.


30. Don't come up and say things like, "I'm a good leader," (or) "The pack will do so much better with me," (OR the personal favorite) "The pack will rule the world with me! MUWAHAHAHAHA." Please, grow up.


Haaken is a democracy, and everyone's voice matters. We are very laid back, and do not generally care about many things. However, during serious times or extreme matters, decisions that are made by ranking members are absolute. We are always open to hearing opinions and ideas, but we make hard decisions with great reasoning.


We are picky and we are strict when it comes to who we let join our family. We do not let just anyone in and it's no easy process to join. It has taken up to several weeks before for a single member. Be prepared to expect the rejection just as much as the acceptance.

See our contact page if you have any questions about the Rules, Guidelines, or joining. Please note that Haaken is not always open to new members.

© 2015-2020 by I Am A Real Werewolf. Spreading the Knowledge.

This site is currently in post-release testing.

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